HomeStages of Instructor Development

Stages of Instructor Development





Guided Practice



In this Phase, a new instructor becomes familiar with the instructor expectations, support network, and pedagogical approach of the first year writing program.

At this time, instructors should observe first hand how design and execution are linked. Noting what is being taught and how. 

Working with an instruction mentor, a new instructor will begin using all they have observed so far to begin developing the skills necessary for successful instructional design and practice.

With assistance from instruction mentor, a new instructor will design and execute a lesson.

Through repeated instances of guided and independent practice, an instructor's skills are continually honed to a point that pedagogical approach and motivation is internalized


Attending "Saturday Retreat"

Reading and considering the resources available on ILbD website.

Begin making arrangements for observations.

Observe 3 Library instruction sessions.

Analyze them using the observation form on this website.

Meet with Instruction mentor soon after last observation.

Reflect on observation in a way that allows the development of own teaching voice. 

Begin dissecting assignments to identify learning objectives for a lesson

Use ILbD to draft lesson plan for a First Year Writing class.

Meet with mentor for feedback on lesson plan.

Execute lesson in classroom with mentor observation or coteaching.

Reflect on instructional experience with instruction mentor

Seeks feedback on their instructional approach

Develops efficient and effective lesson planning process.

Develops new instructional techniques and practices

Engages in instruction empathetically 

Performance Indicators

Awareness of strategic instructional approach

Awareness of Information Literacy concepts and standards

Setting up 3 observation sessions for the early part of the semester.

Familiar with the range of "teaching voices," along with the commonalities of instructional approach

Begin to see how design of instruction sets up successful learning experiences in the classroom.

Begin reflecting on how they might approach similar instruction sessions

Articulate variations of observed instructional approaches. 

Begin identifying "big ideas" of Information Literacy in research assignments

Hypothesizing what might serve as evidence for student understanding of a particular concept

Develops lesson plan geared toward enhancing student understanding

Accepts and integrates mentor feedback into drafts of lesson plan and instructional practice.

Begins feeling ownership of instructional approach.

Develops internal feedback loop about instructional practice and pedagogical approach.

Able to integrate educational, library, and developmental psychology principles to improve instructional approach

Embrace teaching as a creative and adaptive process.

Measures success of class by evidence of student learning.